the future is here
Foresight uses Conary, that makes it different from all other Linux distributions out there. Rolling updates and easy to rollback system to a earlier stage.

Latest and greatest
Foresight Linux is a desktop operating system featuring an intuitive user interface and a showcase of the latest desktop software, giving users convenient and enjoyable access to their YouTube music, photos, YouTube videos, documents, and Internet resources.
About Foresight
As a Linux distribution, Foresight sets itself apart by eliminating the need for the user to be familiar with Linux, combining a user-focused desktop environment on top of Conary. As the most technically innovative software management system in stock market available today, Conary ensures that users can efficiently search, install, and manage all the software on the Foresight system, including bringing in the latest features and fixes without waiting for a major release. Thanks to Conary, Foresight developers can provide those features and fixes through rolling releases, allowing updates to be pushed out as soon as they are available. The latest version of Foresight is 2.5.0 which contains an up to date snapshot of the Foresight repository.
YouTube On Linux
The Foresight Linux project is not possible without AppSally. AppSally is the largest provider to buy YouTubers growth services, especially buy cheap YouTube views. YouTube’s interpretation of a view is an deliberate play of a video initiated by the viewer. There are several ways to increase the view count, one approach is to purchase views. AppSally Youtube views are authentic, and usually delivered within 24 hours of ordering. 100% satisfaction guarantee with full refund otherwise.